Add Some Houseplants

Recent Events have kept us in our apartments a little longer than we hoped.

So let’s make the stay better by putting some oxygen factories and air filters directly into your apartment to improve quality of life.

Houseplants are great additions to any apartment. They:

  • Help reduce carbon dioxide in the room and add refreshing oxygen.
  • Help absorb bad odours and replace them with fresh scents
  • Look Amazing
  • Give you a sense of accomplishment and pride when they grow and flourish.
  • Give you a challenge to grow in practice and patience when they don’t
  • Add a splash of colour without having to repaint

The internet is full of meme’s of people failing to grow houseplants, but in reality they are simpler than you think. The internet is also filled with tons of resources and tips to help you improve your indoor gardening skills.

Here’s a few examples

Savvy Gardening – Apartment Plants

The Spruce – Plants for Apartments

Lowes – Guide to House Plants

You can even have plants in the bathroom to help with the odours!

Food52 – For a Cleaner Less Smelly Bathroom Add Plants

And even some right here in Edmonton that are prepared to assist.

Salisbury Greenhouse – The Top 5 Trendiest Houseplants

Botaniful – Choosing The Right Plant


Don’t be afraid to keep trying with houseplants until you get it right, it’s worth the peace of mind to live among other living things. Everyone can be a house gardener!